Are you sitting down for this?

It’s not really necessary that you do.  Anyone who has read this blog since the beginning may have suspected that my “Hey – maybe I should open a dairy,” becomes, “COME HELL OR HIGH WATER I AM OPENING A DAIRY” in about one, hot minute.  Following this typical thread of genius impatience, I went out and did something a tad, ahem, big.  It has to do with dairy equipment. Purchasing it before I even have a space, a license, or enough animals to fill the thing (90 gallon milk tank!).

But come on, really.  Do you expect anything less from me?

It is much too late to divulge more so instead I leave you with the image of Gus giving me a frank talk, “Lady.  Stop buying dairy equipment.”  Or maybe he just doesn’t respect personal space.  Either way:



Cows, Dairy, Goats


  • Carla

    October 9, 20137:29 am

    Sounds like somebody will be studying up on how to use and properly sterilize milking equipment. :) Onward and upward!

    • jennakl

      October 15, 20133:56 pm

      Absolutely! Along with a gagillion other new things to learn!